Monday, July 1, 2013

free plans for woodworking | Free Woodworking Plan

free plans for woodworking

Harp and his wife, Kelly, started Harp Design Co., a furniture and home goods company, after he quit his high-paying sales job in Houston two years ago. Clint Harp said he was good at his job, but he wasn’t happy.

Business is picking up for Clint Harp, which has allowed him to donate some of the pieces he’s made. Most recently, he made a bed and table for a family that receives services from the Talitha Koum Institute, which provides therapy and support to economically disadvantaged children.

“About 50 people came to that initial meeting, and from it we formed our board of directors,” Fox said. “The board has met every Wednesday since then and little by little we are moving closer to establishing ourselves in the city.”

More orders for his work also have allowed Harp to bring on an employee. Britt Duke worked for Habitat for Humanity for nine years before becoming a carpenter for Harp Design Co.

Harp Design Co. isn’t limited to furniture. Kelly Harp makes pillows and baby clothes for the company. Her designs have already appeared in stores in Brooklyn, N.Y., Houston and other cities.

North Coast Community Workshop, a nonprofit company consisting of local residents and business owners, is working to bring the area’s “first” community woodshop to the Artstown Plaza Shopping Center along Lake Road.


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