Monday, July 1, 2013

Crazy Days and Nights: Jessica Simpson Has A Son

No playing around with Jessica Simpson. When she tells you what she is going to name her baby five months ahead of time, she sticks to the plan. Last time it was Maxwell for her daughter and this time she let the world know she was going to name her son Ace. She did. Her baby daddy obviously made the decision again on name as he managed to not only grab first name honors, but also middle name honors with Knute. I'm pretty sure that Jessica has no idea who Knute Rockne is and when her baby daddy suggested the middle name probably thought it was some type of frozen layer cake or cocktail or even how Newt Gingrich likes to spell his name around friends. Jessica Simpson, stealing away some of the Kim Kardashian thunder. Now, a Kate Middleton birth would knock them both out.


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